I'm looking for ANY and ALL leads for someone with Torx T5 (1.42 mm) screws the same length as those used to secure a UX31A Zenbook case (as opposed to Blackberry assembly size). I've tried brick-and-mortars & auctions with no luck so far. And google generally leads me to shady sites as well. Backstory: my comp is generally fine but I lost some screws a while ago during a cleaning & have had to improvise.
I'm willing to pay a reasonable price, even if we're talking some spares being mailed in...
Does anyone know someone who can supply Torx T5 screws (sized to fit Zenbook)?
I'm willing to pay a reasonable price, even if we're talking some spares being mailed in...
Does anyone know someone who can supply Torx T5 screws (sized to fit Zenbook)?