So with my travel time and workload increasing as of late, I wasn't getting much use out of my desktop and my AW14 was a little too big for my briefcase and left more performance to be desired. I was propositioned for a trade that I took this morning. I want to know your thoughts as I feel as if I got the better deal, plus it's exactly what I need. The two laptops in my signature are what I got in the trade, minus the BenQ. What I traded were my Alienware 14 containing: i7 4700mq, 765m, 1080p IPS, 256GB Vertex 4, 240GB m500 mSATA, and 16gb 1600mhz . My desktop was as followed: i7 3770k, ASUS Z77 Sabertooth, 16GB 1866mhz ram, EVGA GTX 780 Classified, 512GB Samsung 840 PRO, 2x 1T HDD's, Corsair 600T case, and H100i cooler. The W110ER is perfect for my briefcase and I can use my 18 back at the hotel. Also the m18xR2 has complete care warranty until early 2016 still. The trade was an even swap from a local gamer I met via craigslist.