MSI GT60 Dominator 3K Pro - 2880x1620 screen, 8GB GTX 880M, 4800MQ, 32GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM, 3x mSATA SSDs, 1TB 7200RPM HDD
Price: $1899.99 USD shipped
Condition: Used
Warranty: Yes, expires: April 2016
Reason for sale: Moving to a work laptop.
Payment: PayPal
Item location: Bowie, Maryland
Shipping: Postal service
International shipping: Yes
Handling time: Ships within 2 business days of receiving...
FS: MSI GT60 Dominator 3K Pro - 2880x1620, GTX 880M, 4800MQ, 32GB RAM, 3x 128GB mSATA SSD , 1TB HDD
Price: $1899.99 USD shipped
Condition: Used
Warranty: Yes, expires: April 2016
Reason for sale: Moving to a work laptop.
Payment: PayPal
Item location: Bowie, Maryland
Shipping: Postal service
International shipping: Yes
Handling time: Ships within 2 business days of receiving...
FS: MSI GT60 Dominator 3K Pro - 2880x1620, GTX 880M, 4800MQ, 32GB RAM, 3x 128GB mSATA SSD , 1TB HDD