In non Alienware selection of communities, which are a lot, you mention the word alienware it is like a free invitation to be harassed or bashed.
besides of the obvious others like homophobia and racisn, ect, I have never seen a subject become so heavily assaulted and steeped in mythological bias that permeates literally anywhere you go with in the PC/gaming industry.
Literally the first things people respond with anytime Alienware is mentioned is "overpriced" or "Garbage computers" "rip off" ect. Literally within a few of the first comments this hell storm plagues any discussion that has "alienware" written in it.
I can't believe the absolute blind and irrational hatred of the brand.
I have owned 4 Alienware systems and a few of their products and I've never had an issue that people were describing. My M11X had an issue with over heating but I found a program that fixed the fan and it never over heated ever again. But the incident allowed me to personally experience Alienware's support system which is absolutely phenomenal. I can't believe how well I've been treated as a customer via alienware support.
I absolutely love the alienware products that I have and I'm happy to spend the premium to get one with the peace of mind I know ill get for owning an alienware, But what I didn't expect is the harassing behavior from other folks.
How did this even start?
How did such a riot of a mythos build up around the brand that created such blind hatred?
The first thing people drop on alienware is the flawed "Overpriced, just build it yourself" argument. You try to explain that "but its a prebuilt, its not going to be priced the same as building." The overpriced argument falls apart when you compare alienware to their competators in the prebuilt market like OriginPC, Falon Northwest, MainGear, Digital Storm, ect.
Even if you bring up these facts, No one listens, and still says "Overpriced" with the intent to be offensive.
The one thing that bothers me is the lies people associate with alienware and the perpetuate.
Like "Alienware was good before dell" No Alienware wasn't, they had trouble filling orders many times, and they weren't an oem back then, they were a rebrander that used off the shelf parts like any other prebuilder. At least now Alienware has its own OEM parts line up to include their laptops.
No one like Alienware before dell no one liked them afterwards either, its always been "overpriced" bashing. But the funny thing is that their prices became more competitive and better priced after their dell aquesitition.
I don't understand why people continue to bash on alienware for no legitimate reason. You literally cant talk about alienware anywhere without someone taking that step to throw the first stone at them.
besides of the obvious others like homophobia and racisn, ect, I have never seen a subject become so heavily assaulted and steeped in mythological bias that permeates literally anywhere you go with in the PC/gaming industry.
Literally the first things people respond with anytime Alienware is mentioned is "overpriced" or "Garbage computers" "rip off" ect. Literally within a few of the first comments this hell storm plagues any discussion that has "alienware" written in it.
I can't believe the absolute blind and irrational hatred of the brand.
I have owned 4 Alienware systems and a few of their products and I've never had an issue that people were describing. My M11X had an issue with over heating but I found a program that fixed the fan and it never over heated ever again. But the incident allowed me to personally experience Alienware's support system which is absolutely phenomenal. I can't believe how well I've been treated as a customer via alienware support.
I absolutely love the alienware products that I have and I'm happy to spend the premium to get one with the peace of mind I know ill get for owning an alienware, But what I didn't expect is the harassing behavior from other folks.
How did this even start?
How did such a riot of a mythos build up around the brand that created such blind hatred?
The first thing people drop on alienware is the flawed "Overpriced, just build it yourself" argument. You try to explain that "but its a prebuilt, its not going to be priced the same as building." The overpriced argument falls apart when you compare alienware to their competators in the prebuilt market like OriginPC, Falon Northwest, MainGear, Digital Storm, ect.
Even if you bring up these facts, No one listens, and still says "Overpriced" with the intent to be offensive.
The one thing that bothers me is the lies people associate with alienware and the perpetuate.
Like "Alienware was good before dell" No Alienware wasn't, they had trouble filling orders many times, and they weren't an oem back then, they were a rebrander that used off the shelf parts like any other prebuilder. At least now Alienware has its own OEM parts line up to include their laptops.
No one like Alienware before dell no one liked them afterwards either, its always been "overpriced" bashing. But the funny thing is that their prices became more competitive and better priced after their dell aquesitition.
I don't understand why people continue to bash on alienware for no legitimate reason. You literally cant talk about alienware anywhere without someone taking that step to throw the first stone at them.